
Friday, September 25, 2020

Art: The Dancer, The Tamer & The Person

Hi there!

This a blog post about some Hannah Höch inspired pieces of photomontage artwork, The Indian Dancer, The Tamer and The Lustige Person. Our lesson objective was to find out what processes were involved in making a Hannah Höch type image, except, digitally. 

I created 3 pieces of photomontage, all inspired by different Hannah Höch images. I first recreated the 'Indian Dancer' piece, then the 'Lustige Person' and lastly, the 'Tamer'.

Here are my recreations:

The Tamer recreation

The Indian Dancer recreation

The Lustige Person recreation

In the recreation of the Tamer, I really like the the bottom left hand corner of the piece.  In the original image, there is a head of a seal also in the bottom left hand corner with human eyes. I changed this slightly, so instead I placed a the head of a tiger in the corner and put the same eye on each side, except I flipped it so it would look slightly different. I am really happy with how it turned out. 

In my second recreation with the Indian Dancer my favourite part of the image would probably be the way the cartoon face lips kind of match up with the real face. This was on accident, I didn't even realise it fit in like this but it turned out working really cool. 

In my last recreation, my favourite part was the person's feet. In the original image, the woman's feet are a lot bigger in comparison to what feet normally look like. I like this because it makes the image seem kind of awkward which was interesting. 

I liked making photomontages as I explored a new way of creating artwork which was a lot of fun. I learned that you can create art all sorts of ways, and that art doesn't have to be perfect. It can be awkward and have pieces which don't fit in properly, but it can still be art. 

What do you think? 
What could I work on for next time?

Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Science: The Anatomy of the Human Hand

 Hi there!

Today I will be writing about the anatomy of the human hand, something my class is learning about. 

The hand is made up of the following:

  • Joints
    • Joints do the following:
      • They allow us to move our fingers in many different ways such as bending our fingers, flexing them, spreading them and bringing them in. They are also important for pinching things as well as grip. 
  • Bones
    • Bones do the following: 
      • They give our hands form and stability. Without them, our hands would flop over and be like jelly. We have 3 types of bones in our hands:
        • Phalanges, our finger bones
        • Metacarpals, bones in the middle of our hand
        • Carpals, our wrist bones
      • Fun fact: each hand is made up of 27 bones!
  • Cartilage
    • What does Cartilage do?
      • Cartilage covers the end of joints to help movement be smooth and help those movements glide too. 
  • Muscles
    • What do Muscles do?
      • We have two types of muscles, flexor muscles and extensor muslces. Our flexor muscles bend our fingers and thumb, while the extensor muscles straighten them out 
  • Tendons
    • How tendons work:
      • Tendons work to make our fingers move. They are basically strings inside our hand.
  • Ligaments
    • How Ligaments work:
      • ligaments are really just tunnels for our tendons. Our tendons can slide up and down through the ligaments. 

Below are some photos of the hand:

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

English/Film Study: The Language of Film

Hi there!

Today I will be writing about the language of film and showing you a crossword puzzle I made about the language of film too. 

What am I learning?
I am learning about different terms in film, what they mean as well as why they're important.

How does this work show my learning?
Because I created a crossword puzzle, it shows that I know what specific film terms are as well as what they mean. I can also help others learn about these topics too. 

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I want to know about other techniques used in film, I would like to learn about these because I want to be able to identify different things in films when I am watching them. 

Here is my crossword:

Thanks for reading!