
Monday, August 2, 2021

Social Studies: Germany & The Great Depression

 Hi there!

Today I will be writing about Germany and The Great Depression, something we have been learning about in Social Studies.

Why was Germany hit the hardest during The Great Depression?

Germany was hit the hardest because of all the money they owed in reparations also, the contribution of the Wall Street stock drop in October 1929 added to Germany being hit the hardest, since they were already so low on money to fund their country. 

What did Germany agree to by signing the Treaty of Versailles?

Germany signed The Treaty of Versailles on the 28th of June 1919. The treaty only came into effect on January 10th 1920. The treaty held Germany responsible for starting WWI. They also were forced to comply with some harsh penalties too, including loss of territory, extreme amounts of reparations and lots of demilitarisation too. 

How was Aotearoa affected by The Great Depression?

Aotearoa was affected by The Great Depression, but the damage wasn't immediately apparent. From 1930, export prices started to plummet and by 1933 fell to 45%. To New Zealand, a country very strongly dependent on agricultural exports, this wasn't pleasant to hear or experience. Unemployment rose to 12% in 1933 and people who were lucky to still keep their jobs experienced wage cuts as much as 20%. Episodes of unemployment riots occurred throughout Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch over a six month period. The government tried to ease the effects of the Depression by putting in unemployment relief schemes. However this would require men to travel long distances for very little pay. 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Great research, Sofia! It's impressive that you were able to find and understand this information.
    It's interesting to read about how NZ depends on our agricultural exports. I'm pretty sure dairy is one of the big ones.
    I remember in class you mentioned that the reparations from the treaty took until 2010 to pay off. Could be worth adding this tidbit!

    1. Thanks Mr Cairns! I found it cool that even in the 1930's agriculture was a big export in NZ, let alone nowadays. Thanks for reminding me about the reparations, I totally forgot to mention it!

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