
Sunday, September 26, 2021

English: Dilemmas Essay

Hi there!

Today I will be sharing an essay I wrote in English class based on dilemmas, our focus for this term.

For my topic, but decided to write about how literature teaches us to deal with dilemmas and used three stories to show this. The stories I chose were:

- The Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield
- Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway
- The Bear by William Faulkner 

Here is my essay

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Kia ora Sofia
    What a wonderful piece of thinking and writing. To learn those lessons at your age is an outstanding thing, I know ,many adults who have never really reached the point that you have describe din your own thinking.

    Are you able to describe a dilemma of either of these sorts that you have faced in life (without giving away names and confidences, of course)?

    1. Hi Mr Sutton,
      Thank you for your comment! I really enjoyed reading the stories, and I plan on reading more stories from all the authors, especially Hemingway and Faulkner.

      To answer your question, yes, I faced a dilemma. Last year, I hurt my knee badly and it required surgery. The dilemma I was faced with was needing to find motivation to do my rehab exercises after surgery. Even though it was minimal work, it was very difficult to do and made me not want to do it. However, I looked at the very far end of the tunnel. I knew in a couple of months I would be able to get back to sports eventually.
      I am now almost 6 months post operation and close to being able to start sports again.
